Nov 25, 2021

Micro Bonds on Blockchain and Crypto

by Malek Moubasher

Micro Municipal Bonds are built on the same technology that can produce cryptocurrency, but how are they different?


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Micro Bonds on Blockchain and Crypto

Recent Articles

Nov 25, 2021

Micro Bonds on Blockchain and Crypto

Micro Municipal Bonds are built on the same technology that can produce cryptocurrency, but how are they different?

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Authored by : Malek Moubasher
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Oct 29, 2021

Micro Muni Bonds could Support Biden's Infrastructure Bill

Biden’s multi-trillion dollar Infrastructure bill set out to drastically improve the quality of life for many Americans, but it had its fair share of issues, mainly identifying how the originally proposed 3.5 Trillion bill would be funded. While this bill will be a tremendous step forward in addressing many of America’s social and infrastructural needs, can we expect it to solve everything?

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Authored by : Forest Donovan & Malek Moubasher
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Oct 8, 2021

What Makes Micro Bonds Unique?

Micro Muni Bonds is a social and economic development program that can help cities and municipalities fund their impact projects and at the same time bring open the floor to their community to participate in an investment opportunity to achieve a better financial inclusion

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Authored by : Malek Moubasher, Forest Donovan & Joshua Kang
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Jun 7, 2021

Micro-Bonds: The Future of Surviving Municipal Austerity

Facing Federal and State cuts and a declining revenue, what do cities and municipalities have as alternative?

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Authored by : Malek Moubasher
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Jun 7, 2021

The Infrastructure Funding Gap

Micro Municipal Bonds: How technology can help bridge the expanding gap in infrastructure finance

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Authored by : Malek Moubasher
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Jun 7, 2021

Can crowdfunding save local projects?

Facing continuous losses in revenue and a growing number of expenses from emergency services and health care, smaller cities and municipalities face an endeavor that may leave them permanently damaged. How do we move forward?

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Authored by : Malek Moubasher
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Jun 7, 2021

Micro Bonds: Bridging the Gap Between Investing and Community Needs

Communities will be more motivated to support their cities in funding local impact projects if they can know where their money is going. This new article discusses how micro bonds programs can help in bridging the gap between investing and community needs.

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Authored by : Malek Moubasher and Barry Qi
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